martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Atomic Theory and John Dalton

Atomic Theory

The universe, where did all of that came from? 
In this post we are going to show you The Atomic Theory and how it explain the origins of the universe and matter

The Theory:

It says that every matter in the universe is made by a very small particle called the atom, the atom is indivisible and the smallest unit in the universe, making them the blocks of builiding of the universe. The atom is made by three subatomical parts: Electrons(Negative), Protons(Positive) and Neutrons(No charge) which the protons number on an atom of a element says the atomic number of that element.
 Its origin came from -400 B.C when Democritus said that everything on the universe was indivisible until the atom, the problem of this theory is that he didnt have any proof, so Aristotle dismiss it saying that such particle couldnt exist; adding that he believed that all the matter was made by four elements: water, fire, air, and dirt. The theory was forgot until some centuries later.

John Dalton:

After many years, John Dalton return to the atomic theory, probably one of the most important works on chemistry in 1808.

In this postulated that:

  1. All matter consists of indivisible particles called atoms.
  2. Atoms of the same element are similar in shape and mass, but different from the atoms of other elements.
  3. Atoms cannot be created or destroyed.
  4. Atoms of different elements may combine with each other in a whole number ratios to form compound atoms.
  5. Atoms of same element can combine in more than one ratio to form two or more compounds.
  6. The atom is the smallest unit of matter that can take part in a chemical reaction.
Daltons Symbols:

Dalton believed that every element was made by a class of atoms, that was different in properties to the atoms of other elements, thats why every elemtn is different from each other. So he  put a symbol for every known symbol to difference them, this symbols helped to reach todays elements symbols
Mental Map:
You can see the mental map of this theme in the link below

Debatable questions:

If you had live in year-400 B.C would you have believed Democritus? Why?

Do you think we can find even a smallest unit than atoms and its parts?

The Atomic theory is the most believable theory? Why?

Juan Sebastian Olarte-Gabriel Rios 8-40

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